Do welcome me :-)

Salam guys,

I just arrived home, and suddenly, I switched on my laptop..
Wow, It's been a long time I did not update my blog....
Do welcome me back...


I was so busy, as I had to divide my life : as a lecturer, as a student and as a wife:-)

To share with u, how was my student life ?? My answer : :-(((((((...( can't be explained )

Why I said so, because :  Put yourself in my shoes !

1. Imagine, that u are working in JB, but u have to study in Selangor, and your husband stays in Melaka.

2. You have to take a bus, every Thursday, at 2.15pm to Seremban, that cost you RM 26. And you have to call a taxi, from your office to Larkin, and u have to pay RM 8. Every week you have to do that.
So, please calculate how much I spent : RM 26 x 4 = RM 104 and RM 8 x 4 = RM 32.

3. Sometimes, u have to do your assignment or read a journal in a bus. Have you experienced before? Pening kepala. That's what I did.

4. You have to take a bus to Seremban, and u will reach Seremban around 5.30pm. You have to walk to 'Komuter Seremban', almost 1 KM, plus naik tangga turun tangga, n sometimes u have to walk fast or run , because of " Your target to leave Seremban @ 6pm". And it costs me : RM 4.20. So, RM 4.20 x 4 = RM 16.80.

5. Seremban to UKM. And you reach UKM around 6.40pm. So, sempat untuk kejar bas UKM. If you reach UKM by 7.00pm, bye bye to u. You have to wait for the next bus at 8.00pm, but u have class at 8.00pm. So, your option is : " Pakcik teksi, bawa saya ke Kolej Keris Mas", and it cost you RM 6.

6. Your class starts at 8.00 pm, and u x mandi since morning. Please get ready with  "wet tissue, deodorant, powder, and perfume."

7. Your class ends at 10.00pm, or maybe it will drag until 10.30pm, and you are so hungry. So, your dinner will be after your class.. Kelaparan :-)

8. You will reach your hostel, around 11pm, and your hostel is located at 4th floor. Naik tangga, turun tangga. Take a rest for a few minutes, then, you will take your shower, tu pun 'mandi kartun'. Someone will be bising ' Sila jangan mandi malam wahai ISTERIKU '.

9. After u take your shower, sometimes, u start with your assignment, ' editing' and so on. And you will sleep at 3.00pm.

10. Welcome the next day with a SMILE. If u  rajin, you can go to library, and u will spend you time for almost 4 hours, starting from 9am-1.00pm. Then, quickly, take a bus, coz u have a class at 3pm.

11. Your class starts at 3 pm, until 6 pm, and after that you will have your early dinner at 6.30pm. Cepat2 makan, going back to hostel, for Maghrib prayer, mandi, etc. and get ready for 8pm class.

12. Class starts at 8.00pm, and you start to feel sleepy. At 8.30, u will receive a msg from someone, who are going to fetch you after class " Abang dah otw, jumpa kat masjid"

13. Finish your class at 10pm, and somenone is waiting for you. Yes, he is HUSBAND. 

14. You have to go to any petrol station, to buy an ice cream, milo, susu, keropok and so on just to make sure that both of u dont feel sleepy.

15. Tol from UKM to Simpang Ampat, cost you RM 22 (pergi balik) and petrol ( around RM 20++). So, let's calculate. RM 22x4 = RM 88, and your petrol RM 20++ x 4 = RM 80++.

16. You will reach Melaka at 12am, and u NGANTUK sangat2.

17. If you are not going back to Melaka, u have to go back to Kluang. From TBS to Kluang, it will cost you RM 32.

18. Saturday morning, u start your day as a wife. Basuh baju suami, kemas rumah, masak. And u only have Saturday to go for a date, or shopping, watching a movie, and etc.And sometimes, ur husband is busy with a 'sport thingy, since he is a footballer. And you will meet him at 8.00pm, huh:-((

19. Sunday morning, continue your day. And get ready to iron your husband clothes, and in the same time, prepare a desert, as he loves PUDING, DADIH a lot... around 2pm, you have to get ready, mandi and so on..

20. 4.00pm, u have to take a bus to JB. U will reach JB around 7pm. Melaka to JB, will cost u RM 19. So, RM 19 x 4 = RM 76. At Larkin, you have to take a cab, and it will cost you RM 8- RM10. U will spend ur time in a bus with TIDO.

21. U will reach your home around 7.30pm, take a shower, makan..And, get ready to prepare yourself " gosok baju kerja, kemas bilik, kemas baju2 and so on " . If u larat, u will continue with your assignment.

22. Monday morning : SILA BEKERJA.

So, guys, can u imagine how I've faced all the things that I've stated?? That was my weekly routine.

And, please don't get me wrong : Saya tidak minta simpati anda, saya cuma berkongsi, berkongsi apa yang dirasakan.

Do you think that I am a strong person ? The answer is : No, I'm not. But Allah made me strong. And sometimes, I did ask myself " How  can I be strong?? 

My husband said " Allah mahu kamu kuat, xnak kamu lemah".

Tipu jika saya kata xpernah merintih, xpernah menangis, xpernah kecewa, xpernah sedih, xpernah penat. 

Saya pernah menangis depan kawan saya, saya pernah nangis depan suami saya, dan saya menyembunyikan tangisan daripada mak saya. 

And my husband told me " Abg tau, kamu penat, abg tau, tapi bersabarla. Nak berjaya, memang macam ni ". And sometimes and I told my husband " Nape besar dugaan yang Allah beri??

My husband replied : " Allah menguji hamba-hambanya ".

Alhamdulillah, I got married with someone that willing to share the happiness, the sadness with u. And I told my husband " Duit banyak habis, xtau la boleh x nak survive. My husband gave his money to me, " bayar duit bas, bayar duit tol, bayar duit petrol,etc".......

Guys, based on the figures that I have stated, please calculate, how much I need to spend for a month?

And, most of people asked both of us 

" Bila nak ada baby? "

Kami tersenyum, dan jawapan INSYA ALLAH.

Saya positifkan diri, Allah bagi rezeki lain kepada kami dulu. 
Allah bagi saya pekerjaan tetap, 
Allah bagi saya gaji RM 2000++,
 Allah bagi rezeki kenaikan gaji,
 Allah bagi saya sambung belajar,
 Allah bagi suami saya naik gred jawatan,
 Allah bagi suami saya jadi pengadil bola sepak sebagai pekerjaan sampingan,
 Allah bagi kami berdua mempunyai simpanan bulanan dan 
Allah bagi saya apa yang saya perlukan. 

Tapi, Allah belum bagi rezeki itu kepada saya, kerana Dia tahu, ia bukan masa yang sesuai untuk kami..

Ramai bercakap , " Takpela, Allah Maha Mengetahui, ada hikmah di sebaliknya. Allah mahukan kehidupan kamu yang teratur, Allah mahu kamu selesakan kehidupan berjauhan, dan jangan mengeluh, Allah knows the best". 

Even my husband said " Kamu nak bawa perut turun naik bas, turun naik tangga, ke hulu ke hilir berkejar2 kehidupan dgn emosi kamu yang xmenentu ??? " And I've replied : " Terima kasih. 

And to let you know, I always found myself in " EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY".

 Hormon x betul, how to get pregnant??

Surah Ash Sharh, ayat 5 :

" Oleh itu, maka ( tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu), bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran akan disertai kemudahan"

Terima kasih Allah, kerana Kamu telah memudahkan perjalanan saya. 

He answered my pray. 

Will update soon, check it out, something that made me happy since last Friday :-)))

Time : 8.15pm. I took 2 hours to update this entry. Berhenti for makan, mandi and sembahyang.

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